Geo-Glide U-Point Fittings

The Geo-Glide U-Point is the narrowest geothermal U-Bend on the market — up to 33% smaller than other U-Bends in the industry.

Geo-Glide U-Point Features:

  • The OD is no wider than 2 pipes side-by-side, allowing the installer to save on labor, drilling, and material costs.
  • The flow path is 7-10 times larger than existing U-Bends, eliminating the risk of debris obstructing the flow area.
  • All U-Point fittings are DR9 rated.
  • All U-Point fittings are manufactured and tested to Standard ASTM D3261.

We currently offer 3/4” to 1 1/4” Geo-Glide U-Point fittings backed by a 50 year warranty. 1-1/2″ and 2″ U-Points, as well as 3/4″-1-1/4″ Double U-Points, are coming soon.

Outside Diameter Comparison
U-Point Flyer U-Point Cut Sheet U-Point Spec Sheet